How To Summit

What’s new with me?

I’m traveling to California this weekend to speak at the How To Summit put on by my #instafriends at Home Sort.


The Home Sort Sisters


Brandie and Ryan are the epitome of #womensupportingwomen. In a world of cutthroat competition they are a true light. I can’t wait to hug them in real life!


Women Supporting Women

I love supporting and lifting up other women in my industry. There are enough people and clients to go around. Kindness and support matter. This world can be an ugly place… but not on my watch. (not that I don’t make mistakes because I do, but I want to do better)

Who do you love to support and lift up? Start with yourself. Give yourself  grace and mercy. Then pass it on to others around you. People driving on the road with you, people in the checkout at the grocery store. Your neighbors, your kids’ friends. Kindness not only makes others feel better, it makes you feel better too.


What is the How To Summit?

This weekend over one hundred women (and one man yay) will gather together to learn how to grow our businesses, share ideas, meet each other in real life, and bond!

I am excited to be meeting up with my sister in love, Wendy. You can follow her IG at The Peaceful Homestead . We are married to brothers and she lives in Idaho, so we don’t get to see each other very often. We both love the Home Sort sisters and when I was asked to speak at the Summit my first thought was to invite my sister to come along! She recently sent her second baby off to college, and we are both looking for some fun jammie and wine time to just sit, talk and catch up.


This is us with our beloved Mom in Love, who we lost this year.

Who do you support?

Let us all choose to support each other today. Let’s make no room for ugly competition. Choose to love, choose to show kindness, choose to forgive. It’s truly so freeing! Tell me below who you support, I love getting to know you better.


And as always, I’m ready to help you today,



