I Like-It!

Do you ever come across a product that has so many uses you just can’t wait to use it?
Well this is that product for me….”this month” anyway lol!


Exhibit A:

The dreaded water bottle situation….no matter what system I use it has never worked! It is a constant mess; it doesn’t help that I have a rotating door of family members and grand babies needing water bottles. Not complaining just stating the facts 😉

If I could redo my kitchen, I’d choose all deep drawers instead of cupboards….but since I can’t, this is the best solution I found!



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And AFTER…..

I am in love with the like-it bins from The Container Store! Here I used the short wide drawer. They fit perfectly inside my kitchen cabinet shelf. No more bending over trying to find all the lids, or sweet family members just putting things in the wrong bin….at least they try ;-)….now they are all neatly contained in this one drawer!

I separated the drawers by water bottles and lunch items. It looks so nice and clean now!





Exhibit B:

I needed some more storage in my Neat Freak office to hold supplies. I like to stock up on things that I use all the time. But I wanted them in the closet, not sitting on my desk. So….you guessed it, I used the like-it bins here too!


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For this project I used  two tall wide drawers and two tall medium drawers.

They fit perfectly on the floor and give me the storage I need!


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I added some simple labels and just like that I’m organized and happy!


Exhibit C:

The laundry room! Most clients I work with need extra storage in the laundry room. These work perfectly!


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I stacked three tall wide like-it bins to create extra storage in the laundry room. I paired it with the three bin laundry sorter and we have instant organization!


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Exhibits D, E, F, G, H, I and J!

I have so many ideas floating around in my head on how to use these drawers!

Dorm Room: school supplies, bathroom supplies, dresser drawers

Baby Room: diapers, wipes, changing pads, baby clothes, bath supplies

Closets: use as a dresser for young children’s clothing so they can dress themselves

Kitchen: under the sink storage, pantry drawers, cleaning supplies

Bathrooms: back stock supplies, personal products, washcloths, cleaning supplies

Garage: tool storage, golf balls, golf accessories, power cords, gardening supplies

Back yard: bbq tools, pool supplies, pool towels, pool toys, swim diapers


What ideas do you have? Tell me, I’d love to hear! And as always, if you need help, I’m an email away!


Ready when you are,






Spring Cleaning

Can you believe it’s March?!

March Madness doesn’t mean basketball tourneys to me, it means “LET’S GET THIS HOUSE CLEANED” !! My family loves March….lol!


Why do I spring clean?

Dust accumulates, closets are full, winter is over, and it’s time to lose this weight! Clutter weight really does weigh you down! Plus, every single surface needs a deep scrub.

So here’s how “we” clean my home…..and by “we” I mean me and The Container Store lol!!


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First I do a deep clean of every room.

Using harsh chemicals in my home is a thing of the past.  The Container Store now carries cleaning products! Did you know that? My favorite part is that they are all non toxic,  which is very important to me and my family.


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Having a system in place makes all the difference.

House work is just that, work. And we wouldn’t got to our day jobs without the right tools and systems in place would we? That’s why I love this storage caddy .  I have one for upstairs and one for downstairs. It makes quick clean ups so easy. What I keep in my caddy is TCS’s all natural multi surface cleaner which contains orange essential oils , this 3-pack of dusting cloths, a small broom and dust pan, gloves, and these sponges.






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Cleaner            Sponges



Having everything with me in my tool box makes the job so much easier.

Can I also say how obsessed I am with this brush set by Full Circle? Not only are they gorgeous they get the job done! Click the links to see each one.


Tile and Grout Brush.    All Purpose Scrub Brush.   Micro Manager Detail Brush.


Mini Brush and Dustpan Set.   Full Circle Duster.    Mop.    Broom




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I love how they have built in loops to hang on the hook in my pantry!





Next I do a deep purge of every closet, every cupboard; nothing is left untouched.

Once the space is purged and empty, I give it a once over with my vacuum and cleaning supplies. I use these cellulose sponge cloths to wipe every surface down.






The last step is to take all my donations to my favorite charity.  The Samaritan Inn

That’s it! That’s how I spring clean my home. I will say that I hire out the washing of my windows inside and out, and leave that to the experts. Me on a tall ladder is not a good thing. lol. #clutz

But, having all the tools I need to get the job done makes all the difference. I don’t have to start and stop because I can’t find what I need.

If you’re on the search for new cleaning supplies or need to update your cleaning tools, check out these great products at The Container Store. They are quality products plus affordable, which is exactly my style!

Need help spring cleaning your home? I love to clean out closets and purge; just ask my clients.


I’m ready to help you today,





We Have To Have A Plan




Last Saturday I went to Ikea to do some client shopping for an upcoming project.

I wasn’t in the store two minutes before I became completely overwhelmed. Too many things and too many choices caused some major anxiety. I was glad I had my shopping list to keep focused.

Same goes with your home. When you come home do you see too much clutter? Do you go to your closet and see too many clothes (that you most likely don’t even wear)? Are your kitchen cabinets and drawers stuffed to overflowing? Is your pantry an unorganized mess so much so that you decide to order out instead? Do you just plop on the couch and say “oh forget it”? Sound familiar?

It’s important to have a plan and a system in place to help guide you. Whether it’s a big thing like running a home business or a small thing like grocery shopping, going in unprepared can cause anxiety, overspending, mindless purchases, guilt, and so on…

Let a professional organizer help you! In the Dallas area? I’m your girl! Not from here? I have a ton of pro organizer friends all over the country that I can hook you up with.

Plan your work, and work your plan. Success is just an email away!

Ready to help you today,


follow me on Instagram and Facebook for daily tips and tricks!


Spring Cleaning

Spring = New Life

Every spring, the world comes to life. The flowers are blooming, the trees come alive, the grass turns green.  Everything feels fresh and new again.

The sun comes out and the days get longer. We get itchy to work in our yards, clean out the beds and plant new flowers.

We want new life in our homes too.  We want to clean every space, put away winter and bring the house to life again. It’s a natural feeling. 

But for most people this can be overwhelming. Where do I start? I don’t know what to do first. I have too much stuff!

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Where do I start?

The best place to start is by making a list. Start by writing everything down that you want to accomplish. Every room you want to organize. Put everything on that list, big and small. It’s a proven fact that when goals are written down, they are more likely to get accomplished.



I’ve Made My List Now What?

Now tackle each item one by one. One room, one drawer, one closet, one space. 

The first step is to take everything out of the space.

For example, if you are working in a closet, take everything out.



Why Do I Have To Take Everything Out?

It’s much easier to work with a blank space. It forces you to touch every item in the space and decide if it stays or goes. When it is empty you won’t be tempted to keep it as it is.


Next Step, Sorting:

Now after everything is out. Start sorting. Make piles: keep, relocate, donate, trash.


These are items that you use regularly and that you will keep in this space.


Do not keep anything that is not going to live permanently in this space. For example a drill probably shouldn’t live in your food pantry.


You can either sell these items at a yard sale or donate them to charity. Chances are, if you haven’t touched the item in a full calendar year, you probably don’t need it and can get rid of it. TIP: If you choose to sell at a yard sale, make it happen quickly or it won’t get done. There are donation drop offs everywhere and places like Goodwill where you can get a tax write off for donating your goods. If you don’t think you will follow through on a yard sale, then you need to donate it.


Anything that is broken, missing a piece, or not in working order is trash. Throw it away. It’s taking up space and cluttering your mind as well.



Ok, Sorted! Now What?

The next step is to put like items together, on a shelf, or in a container that best fits the space.

Why Like Items?

Keeping like items together saves time and helps everyone. Everyone knows where to find what they are looking for.

For example: Where’s all the stuff to make our school lunch? It’s all in a bin together in the refrigerator.




Where are the kid’s snacks? They’re in a bin together in the pantry.




Where are all the gift wrapping supplies? In the closet drawers upstairs.





When everything alike lives together it’s easier to find, saves time, energy, and money since you are not buying something you already have, but can’t find.

Organization equals less stress on everyone.

What’s Next? Labels!

Finally, label everything. Labeling not only looks pretty, it is practical way for everyone in your home to know where things are, and where they go back when they’re done using them.

TIP: Labels in the pantry let everyone know where decanted food items are and when it’s time to buy more.













Labeling’s done! What’s next?


You’re almost done! Now it’s time to put everything back. It’s been sorted and labeled and is ready to find a home!









Why Wait?

If you’re in the mood to spring clean, just follow these easy steps: make a list, clear out space, sort, label, put back.

You’ll start seeing and feeling the results in your home before you know it!

Happy Spring Everyone!